Attitude Is Your Altitude: Dolly Manghat Video

Virgo December 2015

On the 22nd of November last month your 4th house of family became very powerful and remains so until the December 22nd. This impacts family affairs and your entire attention would be devoted to handling and sorting out issues important for the growth of the family.

The planetary power is at its lowest ebb for you and symbolically its like the midnight in your zodiac. Outer activity becomes less important as the inner within takes prominence. You need to mentally prepare yourself at night to brace the morning and manifest what you need to during the day.

When there is power in the 4th house we have opportunities for emotional healing and cleansing. It is a period when we can come to terms with the past. The traumas and pains of the past need not shape our future. In many cases the so called trauma could only be a child’s interpretation of an event.

When looked at from the adult consciousness the trauma losses its power. That is the reason the cosmos has a way of arranging aspects in such a way that we can review our past and move on Old memories arise this month for us to give it a closure or take confidence from it. You are required to look into the past, learn or unlearn, forgive be happy or forget and move on life with confidence.

If you do this exercise you make actually experience psychological breakthroughs. Health still needs watching, make sure you get enough rest and sleep and you dramatically will find an improvement in your health.

On the 22nd, as the ruler of the solar system the Sun moves into your 5th house of fun and enjoyment you begin your personal pleasure peaks. Love will keep being tested this is a long term trend for you, but after the 22nd situations improve.

Venus your financial planet spends most of the time in Scorpio and the ruler of your 8th house of regeneration, Mars spends it in your money house, these gives us the message that reduce your waste, De-clutter your surroundings personally as well as professionally. Rid yourself of material that obstructs the financial life. Keep the financial interests of others the foremost in your mind.

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